Sunday, April 13, 2014

Cherry Blossoms - 2014

It wouldn't be spring in DC if we didn't head down to the tidal basin for a picnic. Last year, we biked down to the tidal basin for the first time as a family of 4 (Ed and I did this plenty of time in our pre-kid days). I remember Helen waving to everyone whose attention she could get as she sat perched atop the trailer bike. Connor, on the other hand, was working pretty hard as it was the longest bike ride he'd ever taken.

Because Arlington is higher up than DC, the route to the tidal basin is largely downhill. So last year, we took the metro home, to avoid all the hills. This year, we went for it - and CONNOR MADE IT! Up all the hills! He would cheer or let out a little whoop when he got to the top. At one point, two adults nearly made him fall as they stopped riding, mid-hill, with no warning. But Connor was able to weave around them and pedal all the way up.

Bravo, Connor! Next year, hopefully we'll get Helen on her own bike, rather than on the back of Ed's!

Welcome, Spring!


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